
Blast Shakes Town!

Shrewsbury is normally a quiet town, so when an explosion happened yesterday morning, it was big news. It is believed that the explosion happened as a result of a gas leak in a flat. The flat was above an empty shop. The blast destroyed the building and caused damage to surrounding buildings. Fortunately there were not many people around, but unfortunately the explosion still injured 12 people, seriously injuring 2 of those. Emergency services were quick on the scene. Many roads in and out of the town have been closed. Shrewsbury residents are used to road closures though as the town has suffered from bad floods in the past. No photos as basically there isn't much to see and you can't really get that close due to the area being closed off. Best wishes for a full recovery to those injured.

Our next trip report will be about London, we visited in September 2009.

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