
Borth y Gest

We got up quite early and thought that we would try the 15 minute walk to some sandy coves in Borth y Gest, that had been recommended in the visitors book.

The walk wasn't that hard, along the harbour, up a slight hill and then down into Borth y Gest. We walked through the village and over a coastal hill where we could see the sandy cove.

It wasn't very busy, just a few with a couple of dogs. We chose a spot and threw the tennis ball into the sea for Spike and Chewy. The dogs love the sea and were soon soaked through!

It wasn't long before we were joined by a friendly lady and her chocolate labrador, Coco.

Coco's owner was quite surprised at how friendly Spike and Chewy are to other dogs and how good they are in sharing their toys. I had no real explanation, its just how they've always been.

Coco and her owner stayed with us quite a while.

After they had left, we decided to explore further and picked a path leading up along the coast.

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