
Perkins FC

Perkins FC had their last match of the season today. They needed to win to end the season in second place of Division 2. The top 6 teams will get promotion. The league is changing next season from 6 divisions to 4 divisions.
As it happens though, Perkins FC won 4-1, with Andy assisting two of the goals. Overall, it would be fair to say that Perkins have had a very successful season, with just missing out on winning the league, but they are still happy with second place.
This is the last season that they will be called Perkins as the company/sponsor has changed, so from next season they will be known as Reman Services FC.
The players in this team have been playing together for a lot longer than Technical Services FC, however it seems that due to the success of T.S.F.C. and just the general feel good factor, a lot of these players would like to play for Technical Services FC.
The future is bright for both teams!