
Frankfurt Christmas Market

On the 4th December Steph, her dad and brother went to the Frankfurt Christmas Market in Birmingham. The market has become an annual event and has been in Birmingham every December for quite some time now. Steph wanted to go because she wanted some German wooden decorations. Steph and her family used to live in Germany when she was a child and she remembers the German wooden decorations on the tree and we thought we should get some for our tree.
Steph bought a wooden table top tree complete with its own tiny little wooden decorations for £12, a wooden Father Christmas figurine for £8 and 6 wooden hanging tree ornaments varying from £1 to £1.50 each. Lunch at the market was a Bratwurst sausage in a fresh French stick for £3.
They got to the market at opening time which was 10am and a good job because by 11.30am the place was packed out! They took a break from the market and the cold to do some Christmas shopping in the Bullring Shopping centre.

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