Please accept our apologies for the lack of posts. We both have been extremely busy of late. Amongst other things, Steph has had exams, Andy has had Football commitments and we both have had a party to organise and lots more organising! All will be revealed soon.
For now, as promised we will start to tell you about our trip to Malta.
We went to Malta in late August 2007 with Steph's brother and our friend Claire. We only had a week there, but think we made the most of our short trip.
We had an afternoon flight, so no early mornings which suited us just fine. We decided to pack on the day we were flying out as we thought we had plenty of time. Little did we know! As we rushed to pack, our lift had arrived in the form of Andy's patient mum, we realised we hadn't packed any towels, so another rush to get them! We find that you never get enough towels from the hotel, so we always like to pack our own.
We were flying out from Birmingham, but by the time we were on the road we had plenty of time.
At check-in, we almost thought that Steph may not be allowed to fly as the attendant had to get her passport checked. Steph is coming up to her 10 year expiry and the passport was showing its age and it was a bit dog eared! We waited a nervous 15 minutes! When the attendant arrived back, he just got on with finishing checking us in! We asked him that we gathered the passport was ok? 'No problem' was the reply.
Ok, panicking for nothing! Steph decided to apply for a new passport on our return anyway!
We always like to try and arrive early, so as usual we had a bit of waiting around. We hadn't had lunch so we decided to do that and then a browse around duty free.
The flight was pleasant enough and it wasn't full either. We had a friendly lady sitting with us all, she is a regular to Malta, so we got some tips and advice!
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