Our first stop on our tour of Kampala was the museum. Although it was on the small side, it was still packed full of interesting items. We saw traditional clothes, houses and instruments through the ages and the different headgear worn by the numerous different tribes of Uganda. We learnt how the British came to Uganda and the impact they made, the museum housed the first car in Uganda, brought in by the British.
We learnt of a Queen who haunts a tree and that women visit the tree to help with their fertility. During our tour we met a group of school children who all wanted a high five! Approximately 30 high fives each later, we returned to our vehicle, next stop was a touch of shopping at a local craft centre.
There were so many little shops to look at. We had a list of presents to buy for family back home as well as one or two gifts for ourselves. We came across a group of local artists and chose a few paintings from them. We also bought for ourselves a pair of wooden elephant bookends.
We saw the tallest building in Kampala, which wasn't really very tall, but that is really kind of nice. What we noticed the most was the birds. They were huge and quite surreal, as back home we'd only see those kinds of birds in a zoo.