As Andy had never been to London before we had to include Madam Tussuad's Waxworks and the London Dungeons.The dungeons were a bit of a disappointment, firstly we had to queue for over an hour at least! We had a money off voucher, so stuck with it. When we finally got in we were left to just aimlessly wonder round a mirror maze which we all figured out was just another ploy to keep us waiting longer. When we finally got to start the tour only a couple of the rooms were that good. You are guided by actors and actresses dressed up from the 1800's who each tell a different story, Jack the Ripper, Sweeney Todd, the Great Fire of London, etc..The best rooms were the court room as the actor and actress were hilarious and the surgery room as they really made you jump, the rest were ok. Interesting tales told though.
There is a small boat ride in the dark and a pretty decent ride at the end where the ride simulates hanging you. Overall, it's ok, good for kids, but we're glad we didn't pay full price. No pictures as it was far too dark.
Now Madam Tussuad's was better, we didn't have to queue and we could move around in our own time. The bad thing was that you literally had to fight to get anywhere near the waxworks, it was ridiculously busy! Again we had a money off voucher, so we got on with it. What we like about the waxworks is actually seeing how big celebs really are as the waxworks are life size. Madam Tussuad's redeemed itself for us when we opted for the scary old London street walk, children not allowed! To be fair we've never jumped or screamed so much! There was also lots of swearing from scared adults so I can understand why children were not allowed. Basically you just walk through a set from the black death days of London and actors in costume jump out at you and chase you! Scary!