The path that we had chosen ended up taking us through a caravan park called Greenacres, where Andy used to go for holidays when he was young. Walking through Greenacres, we realised we had walked quite far, we were almost at Black Rock Sands. We walked out of the park and followed the road until we came to another path that led back into the hills. Before we carried on though, we took a well deserved break!
This new path took us on a bit of a short cut as we came out at the top of Borth y Gest by a school. We walked through the village with its lovely colourful houses and made our way back to Porthmadog.
When we arrived back, we realised that our 15 minute walk had actually been a 2 hour hike! We went straight to the pub!
The dogs were exhausted and so were we, my legs were aching the next day!!